Sunday, May 11, 2008

Vacation Planning

I guess to kind of continue a little bit off of the last post, some time was spent planning on the Vancouver road trip.

First off, I have to comment how it can be difficult navigating all the different websites trying to find information about various things. Seriously, what the fuck? Stop putting random crap all over the page. No one wants embedded music, no one wants 6 jillion different colours, and no one wants to go on a scavenger hunt to find the prices if they actually want to spend money on your stuff.

Its also funny how when there are 2 people or more around a computer, the person on the computer seems to lose internet search skills. Someone will ask you to search a word or phrase and you will end up completely butchering the spelling of it and find nothing.

Anyways, some of the things I look forward to in BC is kinda adventurous (sp?) stuff. So far, ziplining, hiking, and white water rafting has been put up as part of the trip. We'll also likely hit some of the beaches and other locales. Someone planted the idea of trying surfing but it got shot down by Larry and Danny (those babies). I'm even kind of excited for the drive and all the scenery and blasting out tunes as we drive. The challenge will be to find a playlist that is acceptable to everyone. I think a decent rule to follow is that at least two people should know and really enjoy the song, but that could really come back and screw me over...

Anyways, here is a summer song to end off. Its Summer in the City originally by the Loving Spoonful. I'm pretty sure its their version but the youtube video is mislabelled.

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