Sunday, April 27, 2008


I've finally ended the school year after finishing my last exam. Now I'm on vacation, that is until I start to work. I think I'm pretty much set on going back to the job I did last summer as a landscaper. It'll be nice to be outside and because of the schedule, I'll always have a long weekend (Friday's off). Later on in the summer, as some of you may know, I'll be joining some friends on a road trip to Vancouver. This one's been in the making for a while and some activities that have come up are white water rafting, ziplining, and hiking up mountain trails. As well, we may take a detour into the US for a little bit.

Anyways, about vacations, I think its kind of interesting that these are usually a small section of our year (and lifetime). Despite that, often you get some very memorable and exciting moments to remember for the rest of your lifetime. Sometimes its just silly moments on a road trip or a major occasion that you made your way out for. And the memory could take place in that grand event that was planned, or that silly Rockapella CD that was made for the trip...

One of my favorite memories is when I went to Malaysia about two years ago and we had a longboat ride. I don't remember the name of the jungle we went to, but it was super fun. Dammit, I thought I had pictures of this but I don't. Its just much better to put up pictures than to describe it (because I'm lazy) so hopefully I can find a few of those and post it later.

Another good moment is from a trip last summer. Keith and I went to a preseason NFL game and at the end of the game went and got a picture at field level at Qwest Field, home of the Seattle Seahawks. I'm not really a fan of the team, but it was just a fun experience being in a NFL stadium.

Hmm.. pictures is fun! Lets put up one more for the road, but on the right to make it this post seem a bit more stylish. Yep, its a ridiculously large tower of guitars. This was also while in Seattle in their "Experience Music Project" museum thingy. I couldn't stop looking at it...

Hmm... I'll hafta look for more vacation pics to post up and some stories to go with it.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Exam in less than a Hour!!

Ohh shit! I probably should be cramming, but I can't take it anymore! I'm so anxious to just get this over with and just trying to think of ways to calm down. I'm just hoping all the information is in my head. As these exams got closer, I seemed to fade out. Oh well, maybe I'll have a zen moment and be able to collect all the exam material from the inner recesses of my head and put it out in pencil and paper.

In other exciting news, I changed the comments to allow anyone to post something. I think I changed it previously because a long time ago, back when everyone was blogging, it seemed a bot was posting on our entries. I remember myself, Maggie, and maybe others, not sure, but we were getting some random comments. Its not that having someone you don't know comment bugged me, but that there was a link and an attempt to get people to goto that link and it had nothing to do with the post or the blog. But anyways, end result is now Larry and Dev can comment under silly names like Mr. Bananagrabber.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Obligatory Studying Post

Its yet another grind through final exams. I've only been able to study at home in maybe the first semester of University, but after that its been impossible to be productive at home. At school, I have somewhat of a chance. Right now I'm sitting in the Students Union Building (SUB) inside the "quiet room." The quiet room is a nice area, as it is well lit, has couches, and big windows to look outside. Studying in this environment is kind of different from what I've usually done as this is the kind of place that put me to sleep. However, I have a friend who is very reliable in showing up to a study spot here and staying for long periods of time so this is probably the best spot. Typically I need someone around to "babysit" me and make sure I don't leave too early. Even if I'm not being super productive, staying at school as opposed to going home increases the chances of me studying infinitely.

So while trying to study, you tend to do things not related to studying, such as observing other people trying to study. Some people are really prepared for this time of year. For example, those of us who have laptops have memorized where all the power outlets are. We make a bee line (or an I line, thanks Dane Cook) toward the tables next to the outlets. Of course, if someone is sitting at the table with an outlet, you're screwed. That is... unless you bring power bars! Some of the power outlets have a jumble of laptop and cell phone cords that will look similar to the mess thats behind your TV and DVD player...

And while on the topic of us laptop users, we are major slackers. Half the time we're on facebook, youtube, or showing the person the latest thing from facebook or youtube. Or talking to someone to your left on MSN messenger about someone on your right. I guess if that person is about to look you have to go, "hey this is personal!"

I'm sure I've talked about this before, but its funny how the dumbest things will bug you and deter you from studying. Its too warm, too cold, table is to high, chair is too uncomfortable, girl on the third table is dressing too slutty etc.. I used to go to all sorts of places to study, convinced that once I moved to an area without those annoyances I'd be ready to go. Of course, I'd just end up feeling annoyed at something else.

Alright, I think its time to get back to studying. Sigh...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

First Post

I just felt that I needed to make a new blog and get a fresh start on posting. Uh.. this one doesn't count? Anyways, I just plan to talk about a lot of different things. Whether it be sporting events, music, city events, or about events that happen to me. Lookin' forward to a new start.